Andrea Aste

Elefanti in Fuga
Elephants Escape
Children's Book
Illustrations and Book Design: Andrea Aste
Author: Paola Mastrocola
Publisher: Voglino Editrice, Italy, 2019
Elefanti in Fuga is a young adults book inspired by The Carnival of Animals show that Paola Mastrocola, a famous writer, and I realised for The Regio Theatre in Turin. Due to the success of the show, the publisher Voglino Editrice asked us to adapt our work in this new format.
Working on the book was an inspiring process, I had to rethink the original illustrations, made for being animated and projected as scenery, in order to accommodate the new format and interact with the text in an intelligent way. I took my chance to explore some ideas and create the book I always wanted to. I love illustrated children books!
Illustration technique: a mixture of pencil, inks and watercolour on paper as well as digital painting.