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Brachetti's wax statue

at musée Grevin

live action & animation

Cloth Painting Design: Andrea Aste

Client: Arturo Brachetti, 2013

I was selectively commissioned to create the motif for the costume used to dress the animated life-size wax figure of the well known European theatre performer and television personality, Arturo Brachetti.

It was a great honour to be asked by Arturo to collaborate with him in this amazing task. He had already sketched the costume and needed something special as a motif, something connected with his shows and persona. Thus I realised some sketches. He liked the one I present here: Day and Night. It is a concept that refers to some of his famous numbers.

The costume and the statute are on view at the prestigious Musee Grevin, the historic and world famous wax museum of Paris. A copy of the statue is on display also at the Musee Grévin in Montreal and Geneve.

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