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The Crypt of Knowledge

-Arcana et Silenda-

Dear visitor, welcome to the Crypt of Knowledge, the most secluded recess of The Inexistent Library. Within the moss-covered walls of this Crypt, under stony vaults that have never known the touch of light, the most secret knowledge is buried. Do not fear the murmurs echoing in the deep darkness. They are the fractured voices and distant footsteps of the inhabitants of this catacomb of wisdom: ghosts and spectres, the cruel guardians of this mausoleum of forbidden books...


But you have been granted access to the labyrinthine corridors that meander through the infinite darkness that reigns here.


I have organized centuries of studies, meticulously and painfully transcribed by trembling hands into volumes now covered in thick, grey dust so ancient that even the venomous spiders, the only living things down here, dare not disturb.


For your convenience, I have divided the volumes into topics I am certain will pique your interest:


Traditional Coffin Meanings

Extra Coffin Meanings

Ghastly Readings and Unfortunate Spreads

Macabre and Ominous essays

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